Do you want to live a sustainable lifestyle and want to know how?
In this post, I have shared 10 simple steps for you to start a sustainable lifestyle.
It’s not hard but just requires mindful choices and you will feel much more satisfied knowing you are being thoughtful towards your environment.
You see in this world the major issues arising today relate to the environment and its natural resources which are causing irreversible and serious damage to nature and its surroundings.
The extinction of natural species of plants and animals to the melting of the glaciers leading to the destruction of the Earth is in high emergency around the world.
Major issues today like Global warming, Climate change, Irregular patterns of rainfalls, etc. seek immediate attention worldwide.
Therefore, individual contribution and mindful actions are highly needed to address these issues first and accept the alternatives that support a sustainable living thereby adopting a sustainable lifestyle.
What is a sustainable lifestyle?
In simple words, a sustainable lifestyle is simply a kind of lifestyle where anything you use, consume, grow, produce, and manufacture does minimum damage to nature, the ecosystem, and your surroundings in the environment.
In other words, a lifestyle that is more sustainable or eco-friendly to the environment.
As Wikipedia describes a sustainable lifestyle as “Sustainable living describes a lifestyle that attempts to reduce the use of Earth’s natural resources by an individual or society.”
Why Sustainable lifestyle is important?
In our current situation on earth, sustainable lifestyles are far more important than anything ever.
You see, Humans are the best creation of nature; moreover, not less than any animal or insect in the world.
All living creatures have equal rights on earth, its resources, water bodies, forests, etc.
As the most intelligent species on earth, humans have taken over the world but due to unmindful decisions over time, it is already on its way to destroy our planet Earth. As my professor used to say “Humans are causing its extinction”.
Therefore, living a life with less carbon footprint on the earth, eco-friendly, less waste production or simply no contribution to the arising climate change or global warming from an individual level can be termed a sustainable lifestyle.
Is it possible to live a sustainable lifestyle?
Yes, it is very much possible to live a sustainable lifestyle by simply practicing the little changes you make in your daily life toward your consumption, use, production, manufacture, etc.
Make sure that a sustainable lifestyle does not increase demand or stress on natural resources but rather gives resources time for recharge and enhancement.
A sustainable lifestyle also revolves around the 5 R’s of zero waste that immensely supports living a sustainable life.
To live a sustainable lifestyle you have to be very mindful and decisive while shopping so that you don’t end up buying products that their manufacture or disposal greatly affects the environment.
You also have to be conscious enough to know, what not to buy and what you need to reduce so that you decrease your demand for resources and your carbon footprint on this planet.
10 Simple Steps to Living a sustainable lifestyle

1. Save Energy

Be mindful of energy usage more than necessary, always unplug electronics when not in use, and shift to energy-efficient light sources like long-lasting traditional bulbs, CFL, etc.
Try using natural light as much as possible and solar panels for a more sustainable lifestyle which is a smart choice for both you and your environment.
You know just following these simple ideas to save energy can reduce your carbon footprint, and reduce your stress on energy resources which ultimately leads to less amount of waste in landfills which has a direct link with less carbon emissions and therefore less global warming to climate change.
This is how your actions matter and can bring revolution to the planet that is needed.
2. Use water wisely

Water is the source of the origin of all living species on earth. It is the milk of mother earth for her creation on this beautiful planet.
No living being can live without water.
You should always close the tap not in use, check the leakages in pipes, reuse water from the kitchen to the bathroom for your garden, do not waste water, while bathing use less water, always protect and conserve water catchment areas, practice water harvest from rainfall, etc.
Your actions on these simple steps can protect our environment.
3. Produce your food to live sustainably

You can practice producing your food in your kitchen garden or on your balcony or terrace.
Imagine your own produced organic vegetables which will be tasty and healthy and as a gift, it will give you a deep sense of satisfaction.
As by nature, we feel peace working with nature.
This thoughtful amazing action of yours can save a lot of energy that is used to transport food to supermarkets and then to your doorsteps.
Growing your food reduces your carbon footprint and enhances a healthy environment.
Thereby, reducing air pollution, and water pollution in the areas where imported foods are grown.
4. Go digital

Huge amounts of trees are cut down for the production of the paper industry every year which hurts the environment, rainfall, climate change, global warming etc.
Even in the landfills paper decomposition enhances carbon dioxide production polluting the surrounding environment.
For this reason, you can always go for ideas that reduce paper usage ;
Example-online modes of communication like emails, online applications, online books, online news, magazines, etc.
5. Eat more greens than meat

You know the meat industry is one of the biggest reasons that affect global climate change
by their production and transportation and food crisis in the world especially in poor African countries.
It takes around 50-60% of global livestock to feed their animals.
Greater demands in meat industries mean more pollution leading to more severe climate changes.
So, it’s always better to have meat alternatives and to rely more on green vegetables.
6. Make your food waste count

First, you should not waste your food.
If the food leftovers are there you can preserve them in reusable little boxes from your kitchen to the freezer for later.
And in case, when food is stale or not edible then you can put them in your home compost which makes you more sustainable, eco-friendly, and have less carbon footprint on earth.
7. Practice sustainable traveling

One of the major factors of global carbon-related emissions is from automobile industries which are directly linked with climate change, global warming, ozone layer depletion, etc.
Being mindful, you can always take your cycle or walk short distances to cover which will not only reduce your carbon footprint but positively enhances your health.
Take public transport as much as you can which is more sustainable than taking individual cars on the road.
You can buy electric cars and two-wheelers than regular fossil-consuming vehicles.
8. Support second-hand market

You can always reuse items that are in good shape.
You can either donate or sell your unused products to people who are in need.
Try to repair your products and buy from second-hand markets in your area so that items are reused and not wasted in landfills creating more pollution.
This way you can save some money for yourselves and lessen the stress on the resources to produce new products in the environment.
9. Shop Sustainably

Grocery shopping generates huge amounts of plastic waste due to its packaging and ends up filling landfills in large areas.
Imported products in most supermarkets come with their carbon emissions too.
You can do your grocery shopping in the zero-waste sustainable supermarkets by carrying cloth bags of different sizes, containers for different food items and groceries which helps us create a very less percentage of waste.
You can also shop from your local farmer’s market.
10. Recycle your waste

You should always be mindful of not wasting anything you use.
Even after that if you end up with your waste, then you should recycle your recyclable waste.
When you recycle these items, you repurpose their use and lessen the demand for raw materials on the resources in the environment which positively impacts the ecosystem.
This way you save those products from going to the landfills and create less carbon footprint and pollution.
These are just a few simple steps to live a sustainable lifestyle that can make a difference in the world by just doing individually.
Final thoughts on living a sustainable lifestyle

Above I have written a few simple steps to living a sustainable lifestyle.
Living a sustainable lifestyle helps us live a life balance with nature in the environment.
A sustainable lifestyle is the only way that we could be able to save this planet acting individually for future generations.
Reducing your demand for natural resources and carbon footprint on earth helps thrive wild ecosystems.
In the current situation, where Earth is bulging more and more by the effects of climate change, global warming, ozone depletion, etc, Reducing, reusing, and recycling should be the main mantra in every life to save the environment.
I hope you found these simple steps easy and simple to follow right from your home.